People have acclimatized with surprising speed to the Internet, with a take-up and a learning process that seems to have taken everything that we learned from the creation of the telephone exchange and pressed fast-forward. While the first telephone directory appeared many years after telephones were invented, the Internet’s own directory – search engines – have become a very firm friend to almost all of us, most of whom use one every day. Indeed, the verb “to Google” has become a commonly used term, to the extent where it is for many people the generic way of describing any online search.
If you want your site to be seen by any kind of wide audience, it is essential that you submit it to search engines. This sounds like a lot of effort – especially if you have had a site picked up by Google or other search engines without submitting it – but it is really worth the effort, because it will see the site picked up more thoroughly, and a lot quicker, than if you do not submit it. In the online world, the sooner you pick up momentum the more you can increase it.
Indeed, it is not that much effort to submit your site to a search engine. Most sites will have a simple form to fill in, which simply entails entering the URL of your site and a few simple comments and keywords explaining what it is about. Almost instantly, the “crawling” software will visit your site and start the process of ranking it, and within days your site will be appearing to anyone who searches for sites in your niche.